Sunday, October 2, 2011

11 Months.

Happy 11 month birthday, Cooper Hudson!  This post is a little late because of some trouble with iphoto.  Glad that's resolved!  Can you believe that we have one more month until it's party time.  I am getting SO EXCITED!  Bring on the cake!

This has been a big month for you.  You are changing so quickly!  I guess after next month, you will no longer be an infant, but a TODDLER!  What in the world!  The biggest news this month is that you are taking some steps!  Oh my goodness, I thought my heart might explode the first time you took those steps across the living room floor!  A couple of weeks ago, we were at Lifegroup and you took your first 4 steps right in a row!  Daddy and I both saw, which was an answer to one of my prayers.  We practice with you each day, and you seem to grow more confident all the time.
Crawling is still your preferred method of mobility, but I can tell that you feel so proud of yourself when you walk.  I love it.  I am so proud of you my sweet boy.  This video was taken the first day that you seemed to actually "get it."  Way to go, Coop!
This month, you've also learned to clap!  You are so cute.  We took you to your first World Mandate and you loved clapping to the music.  You've also started to sway back and forth when you hear music.  I love your little heart that wants to worship.
You've been getting better with your sign language and are now signing "more" and "all done."  I'm not totally sure that you understand the meaning just yet, but if we say "more," you will do the sign, so that's good news!   You've also started to wave.  Hi.  Bye.  You flap your arm like a little bird when you wave.  So cute. 
 The one person that you really don't like to say goodbye to is Daddy.  He is your favorite (I can admit it).  You still crawl to the door when he leaves and hoot like a little owl. "Whooo whoooo whooooo!"  It's sad, but it's also so sweet the way that you love him.  Precious boy.
I would say that our biggest obstacle this month has been feeding.  You've never been a great eater, but for some reason, this month you've been a bit picky.  I'd be happy to never give you another Cheerio again, but those seem to be the only finger food that you are into.  Well, Cheerios, puffs, bread, and other carbs.  I hope you like to run, like Daddy, if you are going to keep that up.  I sure do wish you would add fruits and veggies to your repertoire, but the nurse told me to just be patient with you.  I think it must be the texture that you aren't crazy about because cooked veggies and soft fruit mostly bring on your gag reflex.  At any rate, this month you tried strawberries, cheese, deli meat, beef, egg yolk, cut up waffles & bagels, and an ice cream cone in Nantucket (which you simultaneously loved and hated, if that's possible).
You've gotten much better with your sippy cup and are actually getting some water!  You are pretty independent, too.  You usually eat the first several oz. of your bottle with no trouble, but then want to take the remainder standing up and drinking like a little goat.  Silly!  A lot of people have told us that you look like the Gerber baby.  Obviously you are way cuter than that kid, but I do think you have some resemblance with your little winged curls on the side of your head and your big eyes and long eyelashes.
You got two teeth this month, giving you five total teeth!  I didn't even notice one until I was feeding you one day, and there it was... bottom tooth, through the surface!  I am thinking it's twin should be in at any time- you've got all the teething symptoms.  Hurry up tooth!
You have quite the adventurous little heart.  A few weeks ago during your naptime, you crawled out of your crib and bonked your head on the floor.  SO SAD!  We had already lowered your crib once... I didn't think you were capable of escaping, but I should know better than to put things past you, my boy. Your mattress is safely at floor level, and you have surprisingly been sleeping much better.  You still nap twice a day for about 1.5- 2 hours each, which is an improvement from your 1 hour naps last month.  YAY COOP!
A few weeks ago you found this hiding spot under an end table and now you love just going there to sit.  Sometimes I ask, "Where's Cooper?  Where's Cooper?!!" and you just giggle when I come to find you.  Can't wait to play hide-and-seek with you.  Can't wait to build forts with you.    
We've been trying to teach you some animal sounds recently.  You are obsessed with dogs, so we ask, "what does the doggie say?"  We think you are trying to say, "woof," but you only say the "ffff" sound.  You only make that sound for a doggie, so we are pretty sure it's a woof.  I love it.  You scrunch up your little nose like a bunny, and it melts my heart.  One day I will have to break down and get you a dog, but in the mean time, I am glad that you are happy to play with Wally and Norman.
Sometimes you like to look out the front window at Daddy while he mows the yard.
Sometimes you make faces at him.

You went to your first two football games this month, Coop.  Sic 'em Bears!  Hopefully by the end of the season you will be able to do a sic 'em bears with Mommy and Daddy.
You loved seeing your friends at the Baylor game.  Maybe one day you and Parker will be college roommates- and maybe Clara will be your future girlfriend!  We are so blessed to be surrounded with such amazing buddies, aren't we Coop?
You still love to watch Mommy and Daddy brush their teeth.  It always makes you chuckle.  I had to get a picture of Daddy brushing and you laughing just so I'd remember that little quirk about you :)
You found the toilet paper.
Cooper Boo, I love you so much and am so incredibly proud of you.  You are the sweetest little thing, and my heart feels so full just being your Mommy.  I can't believe that we've had you for 11 whole months.  Each day really gets better & better with you.  You are a joy.  I love you, little pumpkin.  Happy 11 months!


  1. Of course Cooper is cuter than that Gerber kid! I like the way you have placed Coop next to the big stuffed bunny each month, because he looks so big now. The last photo is my favorite - you should send it in to a photo contest. It's sweet but also very artistic with the play of light.
